BLVR | The Heart of Brand Success – Part 1: Brand Belief | Thought Leadership

The heart of brand success – Part 1: Brand belief

average read time: 3 min


March 2, 2022


Our beliefs guide us. They help formulate our convictions, our values, our code of ethics. They determine our response in the face of conflict and guide us in how we behave each day. Every human being has a set of beliefs that define what he or she does, and how he or she does it. The causes invested in, the dreams pursued, the value seen in others. Brands are no different, at least they shouldn’t be.

“Impactful brands aren’t successful because of the products they sell… their success and influence is there result of the beliefs they uphold.”

Every brand that survives has an identity that delineates it from its competition. And any given brand is only as strong as the beliefs the brand lives by, the code of behaviors instilled in its employees. This collection of values is known as Brand Belief.

Brand Belief … your Why … your North Star … it’s your organization’s take on the world — its view of what will make the world a little better and how your brand will make it possible. Your belief is at the very core of your brand’s purpose, ingrained in your company values, manifested in your staff’s behaviors, and guides your marketing approach. Your Brand Belief isn’t just about selling something; it is about standing for something bigger. Professing and living by a belief system others want to adopt as their own.


If you don’t know what you believe, you can’t expect others to believe in you.

Does your brand have a strong belief system? Do your employees know what that belief system is? What values and ideals set your brand apart from the rest of the pack? These questions are critical to brand development. When you clearly distinguish why your brand exists and what your brand stands for, you stand out from the competition. Your brand embodies its belief.

Make sure your brand offers up a vision your team and your customers want. It’s not about selling something to them; it’s about offering them an identity they desire, one they make their own. Your Brand Belief must be something that matters to your customers, something that defines who they want to be.

Your brand is more than a logo or a creed. It is something that penetrates to the heart and soul of your customers. You must give them something worth believing. When your brand becomes an identity your customers desire, you have provided something your customers will adopt.

Clarity around your brand’s belief system is paramount to your brand’s success. When you know what you believe, your passions pour into your products and customer relationships. Only then will your customers become your advocates, your converts, your apostles.


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