Bethany Hamilton
“We formed a great partnership with BLVR to re-imagine the Bethany Hamilton brand. It was a wide ranging effort that has included everything from brand strategy, to defining our hero customer, to figuring out our voice, to maturing the brand visuals.”
– Deyl Kearin, CEO
Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer, New York Times bestselling author, Surfers’ Hall of Fame inductee, and mother of three. Yet the American public knows her best as the infamous 13-year-old shark attack victim. She needed her brand to grow up, attract a broader audience, and open up new financial revenue streams.
Brand Identity
Data analysis and consumer focus groups confirmed Bethany’s core audience of young women was, like her, at a crossroads. They were making the transition from teenager to adult. Bethany already had an incredible story to tell — we now needed to pivot her brand image. We modernized her visual and verbal brand to appeal to a new generation of savvy millennials. And we positioned Bethany as a modern day role model for how to live an unstoppable, joy-filled life and not let obstacles get in the way.
Brand Activation
We helped build a new business model based on high quality content, online courses, and a range of other new products and services that allowed Bethany to monetize her personal brand. This was all delivered within a premium mobile-first digital experience that drove engagement and conversions.