Polaris Pool Cleaners Campaign | Elevating Premium Pool Care


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Polaris was a leader in the pool cleaning industry, proving itself as the paramount technology choice. When companies at lower price points entered the market, Polaris needed to reestablish its reign by highlighting key differentiators. BLVR was brought in to develop a fresh edge to showcase Polaris as the go-to advanced pool cleaning company.

To align the campaign with the company’s prominent product, smartly named Alpha iQ+, we set out to highlight the brand’s intelligent design. In an industry oversaturated with cliche imagery and a sea of the same, BLVR took on the challenge of reinventing Polaris in an innovative fashion. Tracking with the multiple cleaning modes of the product, BLVR presented the brand in various moments of everyday life. We created a visual approach that could be recreated across any “mode,” establishing a look and feel that truly set Polaris apart from the competition. With a photoshoot entirely underwater, we established a premier look that showcases lifestyle and clarity in a new way—in any mode you find yourself.

  • 6.4M

    Views of the TV commercial

  • 68%

    Increase in traffic to polarispool.com over the previous year

  • 590%

    Increase in leads to dealers over the previous year

“Why does someone buy a known brand’s shoes over knock-offs? How can we turn Polaris into an identity badge meriting bragging rights?”

— Zander Corbin, BLVR Strategist

Brand Strategy


Polaris was not just any old pool cleaner. It had established itself in the industry with a reputation for elegant product design and superior cleaning performance. Recognizing that their target market was now younger families relocating to the suburbs, Polaris needed to exhibit its pristine value while justifying its higher price point. By delving into what they stood for and why the brand kept their premium price point, we revitalized the brand as innovative, high-quality technology committed to delivering spotless results—all while creating sparkling experiences and upholding excellence.

Identifying that Polaris enhanced everyday moments in a pool atmosphere, we made it our goal to retell the brand’s story and elevating its impact on the user. By portraying numerous “modes” of life improved by their product, we showed that experiences are better when you choose Polaris.

Campaign Development


Knowing it was critical to portray Polaris as the high-end brand of pool cleaners, we also wanted to depict them as relatable to the young target demographic. We needed to find the intersection of quality and likability to draw in the ideal market. It was important to keep in mind that assets needed to translate universally across multiple channels: TV, digital, and print. Building off the multiple cleaning modes of the product, we wanted to tie it back to the various modes of everyday life. To do so, we blended the idea of clarity with lifestyle moments underwater. To communicate the various modes of the Alpha iQ+, we chose three modes of life to showcase: weekend, party, and chill mode…all underwater.



With any production, several moving parts and challenges always arise. Add water of any kind, especially being underwater, and it’s a whole different beast. Working around the perfect water temperature, using weights to submerge props, and finding the right balance with lighting were all factors to take into consideration. We also had to factor in the cast coming up for air. Through all of this, quick decisions and patience were everything. In the end, the output provided imagery that allows Polaris to stand alone from its competitors.

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“I love just getting underwater. Lining up the talent, getting them to hold a pose while sinking under the surface–now that’s challenging. Then it clicks and it’s epic.”

— Brett Stanley, Photographer



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