Say-Do Gap Invisible Gaps and Limited Growth: Simple Hints your Brand Could be Struggling with a Say – Do Gap It's a stark disconnect between what a brand say and what it does, leaving behind disappointed consumer expectations and hindered business growth. click
Consumer Insights , Say-Do Gap Bridge the Gap, Earn Their Trust: Gen Z’s Connection Currency In the realm of Gen Z, brands are not just labels; they are living, breathing entities expected to embody a deeper belief consistently. click
Say-Do Gap Brand Trust And The Say-Do Gap™ Learn about The Say-Do Gap™ and how a brand’s disconnect between their belief and actions can lead to dire consequences. Explore strategies for bridging the gap, including authenticity, internal alignment, consistency in messaging, employee empowerment, and collaborations. Enhance trust and credibility by aligning values with tangible actions. click
Say-Do Gap Navigating Hurdles while Building Customer Experience Inside-Out Brands have been building their customer experience (CX) backwards — perfecting operation mechanics first and retrofitting the brand second, like a cosmetic fix. Companies with the strongest brand loyalty have found a synergy between providing high quality products and delighting consumers through unforgettable customer experience (CX). As summarized by Annette Franz, founder and CEO of CX... click